Best Practice Guide
The following set of good practices corresponds to the online course “Management of social and intercultural communication”, part of the International Virtual Academic Collaboration CS@Ibero-America project. It was developed by consensus between teachers and students.

The set of good practices has a dual function:
- Serve as a reference document for future editions of the course or as a reference for other institutions that want to carry out international online collaborative teaching projects.
- Serve as a self-evaluation tool, reinforcing the strengths of the course and improving those aspects where necessary
Teaching that brings together students and teachers from several countries involve logistical and intercultural challenges. The final purpose of this document is to establish a minimum framework to serve as an agreement on how to understand collaborative e-learning in an international and intercultural context.
The good practices document is the result of several working sessions at the closing workshop of the CS@Ibero-America project. In these meetings, students and teachers discussed the functioning of the online course and the project in general. Gathering input from all participants allowed us to write the report collectively.